Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Fine Line To Walk

Perusing the many news reels on Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami, this quote struck me.

"I never imagined we would be in such a situation," Watanabe said. "I had a good life before. Now we have nothing."

There is despair in these words and I cannot begin to imagine the feelings which are behind it, for I have never experienced the depth of what these individuals are going through right now. At the risk of sounding contrite, it reminds me that things of this earth are temporal. We cannot depend upon, nor put sole value in the work that brings about a good, solid life.

It strikes me because I've been striving as of late towards goals of achievement and success. These are not bad in and of themselves, but it is easy to become so focused on these that we lose sight of the One who turns the earth on its axis. As our finger finds the pulse of success, it is easy to be mislead into thinking that it is us that keeps the blood flowing into the power of that pulse. It is easy to take our eyes off of the life source and focus it on the pulsing rhythm of our daily life. We forget that we are building for a kingdom beyond these earthly shores. We forget that the jewels in the crown come from sacrifice, loving actions, and sharing the grace of God--not from surpassing the monthly quota, being published in a major magazine, or noted in a medical journal. All of these shall pass away.

Oh, what a fine line to walk: to be here on earth, enjoy it's riches and yet build for a kingdom which we have not yet seen. For at any given moment, these things of earth can be destroyed.
In what then, can we hope, if we lose all we have worked so hard for?

I pray today: O' Lord help me to shake loose of the temporal which blinds my focus. Let me not lose sight of that which is eternal.

Scripture: Matthew 7:13-14 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

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